Hi there. I'm Julie Brem

Manager of Learning & Development


About Me

Hi! Julie Brem here. I live in Austin, Texas, with my twin sons, where I enjoy working as an Instructional Designer and Learning Management System Administrator at a large service-oriented franchise with nearly 2000 locations and 16,000 employees across the US and Canada. Prior to this opportunity, I served as Learning and Development Manager at an iconic Austin company with locations across the Southeast and beyond as they moved to a blended model, transforming learning and development to better build capacity.

In my previous career chapter, I served as lead librarian in two large school districts, able to continually grow and learn alongside young people and colleagues with whom I have been privileged to collaborate and engage. Along the way, I have focused on educational technology training, both for myself and as a Google Certified Trainer to fellow educators.

Not only am I constantly evolving as an Instructional Designer and Learning Management System Administrator, I also strive to challenge myself in fitness, deepen my relationships through authentic conversation and laughter, grow in knowledge and understanding through reading and research, appreciate beauty in art, music and nature, as well as learn new skills in making things, whether that be in within the realm of technology, improving my home or just for fun!

Want to work together?

I'm available for freelance work.

Instructional Design Principles

Although I am familiar with standard instructional design modules such as ADDIE, SAM and backwards design, I see common threads in each. Here are my priorities when designing eLearning and any type of learning, for that matter:


What are the learning goals for this project?

Let's design with the end in mind. What would stakeholders like to see as a result of this learning?


How will the learners be most motivated?

The most meaningful learning occurs when it's driven by the learners themselves.


What interactions will be engaging & appropriate?

The scale & type of interactions for each piece of learning are intentional & relevant.


Who & what are my knowledge resources?

Tap into subject matter experts & existing materials.


How will we measure success?

Useful data points must be readily accessible to stakeholders.


What will be the cadence & means for reevaluation?

Instructional design is never "done!"

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